■情報 『タルコフスキー : フィルム、スティール、ポラロイド & ライティング』Andrei Tarkovsky, Hans-Joachim Schlegel, Lothar Schirmer "Tarkovsky: Films, Stills, Polaroids and Writings"
Andrei A Tarkovsky, Hans-Joachim Schlegel, Lothar Schirmer『Tarkovsky: Films, Stills, Polaroids and Writings』 (Amazon.co.jp洋書コーナー)
"This book collects film stills and documentary photographs from each of the films, exploring the cinematographic side to his oeuvre."
"ハードカバー: 320ページ
出版社: Thames & Hudson Ltd (2012/12/3)
言語 英語 ¥7954
ISBN-10: 0500516642 ISBN-13: 978-0500516645
発売日: 2012/12/3
商品の寸法: 31 x 25 x 4 cm"
Thames & Hudson Publishers | Essential illustrated art books | Tarkovsky(出版社公式HP)
"This book presents extended sequences of stills from each of the films alongside synopses and cast and crew listings. It includes reflections on Tarkovsky’s work from fellow artists and writers including Jean-Paul Sartre and Ingmar Bergman, for whom Tarkovsky was ‘the greatest, the one who invented a new language.’
Extracts from Tarkovsky’s own writings and diaries offer a wealth of insights into his poetic and philosophical views on cinematography, which he described as ‘sculpting in time’. The book also reproduces many personal Polaroid photographs that confirm the extraordinary poetic vision of a great artist who died aged only 54, but who remains a potent influence on artists and filmmakers today."
以前紹介したアンドレイ·タルコフスキー生誕80年 大規模回顧展:[Государственная галерея на Солянке]で展示されたと思しき、タルコフスキーの映画スチル、ポラロイド写真、随筆(?)が納められた美術書が出版される。
・Andrei Tarkovsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Monument to Andrei Tarkovsky at entrance of Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography。
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