"1. NFR 2. Mariners Apartment Complex 3. Venice Bitch 4. F**k it I love you 5. Doin’ Time 6. Love song 7. Cinnamon Girl 8. How to disappear 9. California 10. The Next Best American Record 11. The greatest 12. Bartender 13. Happiness is a butterfly 14. Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have – but I have it"
"David Lynch is making a new series of Twin Peaks – a show that seems to have had an impact on your music. Are you excited?
“I would love to do anything with David Lynch. I don’t know too much about what’s going on but I certainly love the original TV series and his movies since then.”"
has previously spoken highly of Del Rey, saying: "She's got fantastic
charisma, and this is a very interesting thing. It's like she's born out
of another time. She's got something that's so very appealing to
people, and I didn't know that she was influenced by me"."
"1.RASPBERRY DREAM 2.MOON 3.LONELY BUTTERFLY 4.Cotton Time 5.ONE MORE KISS 6.CHEAP HIPPIES 7.メドレー (Hot Spice~Girls Bravo!~Boss Is Always Bossing~Love Is Cash~蜃気楼~Hot Spice) 8.真夏の雨 9.Time 10.76th Star 11.LITTLE DARLING 12.(It’s just a) Smile 13.OLIVE 14.WHEN A WOMAN LOVES A MAN 15.MONOTONE BOY 16.PRIVATE HEROINE アンコール 17.Friends 18.MAYBE TOMORROW"
Big Dream will be released on 15 July (UK & Europe) and 16 July
Pre-order your copy from iTunes: http://smarturl.it/8nyamg and receive
I'm Waiting Here by David Lynch and Lykke Li as an instant download!
Tracks featured in trailer: 'Wishin' Well' and 'Last Call'
『THE BIG DREAM』は、CD/LP/デジタルのフォーマットでリリースされ、その全てにダウンロード可能なボーナストラックとして、リッキ・リー(Lykke Li)をフィーチャーした「I'm Waiting Here」が追加されます。また重量盤仕様の2枚組LPには、リッキ・リーのトラックを収録した7インチのボーナス盤が封入され、さらにそのB面にはリンチが彫ったエッチングが施されています。"
"『The Big Dream』 01 The Big Dream 02 Star Dream Girl 03 Last Call 04 Cold Wind Blowin 05 The Ballad of Hollis Brown (Bob Dylan cover) 06 Wishin' Well 07 Say It 08 We Rolled Together 09 Sun Can't Be Seen No More 10 I Want You 11 The Line It Curves 12 Are You Sure 13 And Light Shines ( Bonus Track - Japan Exclusive )
+ I’m Waiting Here with Lykke Li ( Download Bonus Track - Worldwide )"